“These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise”. These words shaped much of my growing up, when I watched Captain James Kirk take on adversary after adversary and win over challenging situations. As a tribute to the magnificent series which has had so many spin-offs and movies, I wrote a fan fiction screenplay of what might be one episode of the Star Trek show. I’ll publish the entire screenplay chapter by chapter. Enjoy!

Disclaimer - Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan fiction screenplay is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made screenplay intended for recreational use. Feel free to use this screenplay as you see fit. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures. (This disclaimer is a modified clause from https://www.startrekcontinues.com)
The entire series is here - https://balaramadurai.net/series/white-walls
Here’s the screenplay:
Title: White Walls
version: 2.0
credit: Screenplay by
author: Bala Ramadurai
format: screenplay
source: Story by Bala Ramadurai
Edited by: Anita Nagarajan
contact: bala@balaramadurai.net
# Chapter 6
Captain’s log: Stardate 5973.2: Slotta gave us a three hour ultimatum to surrender and take a shuttle to the surface of the planet. Phasor power down, maneuver power absent, emergency power almost depleted, my crew on another planet, we had no options remaining. Time was running out fast for us.
McCoy and Joanna are sitting in the meeting room while Kirk is walking around the room.
Jim, we've been over this many times, I see no options, but to surrender to the Capernians. Spock, not on our side, can be a formidable enemy. He's helped Slotta knock out all our communications. We are stranded.
Joanna, do you have any ideas?
No, I agree with Dad, there is no use just lingering here. I tried to warn you, but you still came. This is exactly what happened to us on the Radiant. All reserves and crew were gone. Captain Radha helped her achieve this. I recommend that we transport back to the planet. Slotta is clever. We'll be under the influence of Tekron in a matter of hours.
Tekron. I am sick and tired of this device. I am going to throw this thing away from my sight.
Kirk grabs one of the Tekrons that is lying on the desk of the meeting room and is ready to smash it on the floor.
Wait a minute. Doc, give me your tricorder.
Kirk takes the tricorder from Dr. McCoy and scans the two Tekron devices--one from Joanna and one from Kirk.
They are still working and seem to be connected to someone.
Kirk points at the devices.
To whom? Is the question. You? Me? Joanna? Or is there anyone else onboard? We can use the tricorder to see if someone else is here.
The tricorder yields no results to prove his theory.
Does it have sufficient range to communicate with someone on the planet?
Difficult to say that.
May be it is a bug, like the ones used in 20th century Earth?
No. Joanna, back to you. What was the fate of the ship that you were on? Was it destroyed?
Yes, it was destroyed using the same weapons that we are facing today. All of us were forced to transport to the planet surface and the ship was destroyed. Captain, I suggest we drop all this and...
Not so soon. What kind of a ship was it?
Jim, where are you going with this? Joanna is right. We don't have the time.
Doc, I have a theory and I want to test it. I don't think their ship was destroyed, although they have been told that.
Told? You mean, that was a mind trick using the Tekron. Even if it is not destroyed, what good will it serve us now?
For one, we could get the spares from the other ship. Let's at least begin the search. We can only do this from the bridge. C'mon! Quick! Let's go!
Slotta has her hand on Spock's head. Spock looks poised and all set to hurt anyone he came across.
Everything is going according to plan. They will transport down soon. Arrange for their welcome here, Spock. Then, you know what your mission will be aboard the ship. The other one.
Spock smiles.
Kirk is leaning over Sulu's console.
This is a big planet. If it were in our orbital path, Mr. Sulu would have detected the old ship. I have to search over areas where Sulu would not have searched.
A starship similar in appearance to the USS Enterprise makes an apperance over one of the poles of the planet. The letters USS Radiant is written on it. Seems like the same starship class as the USS Enterprise.
Doc, Joanna, look, I found it.
Kirk turns around to tell Dr. McCoy and Joanna of his discovery. When he looks at the large viewing screen again, the starship that he had just seen in plain sight, is gone.
The ship was right there and it disappeared right in front of my eyes.
McCoy looks at Kirk, probing, and diagnosing.
Am I still under the influence of the Tekron or Slotta? Has my judgment diminished so much?
No, Jim. You are the same James Kirk. If you say you saw a ship, you definitely saw a ship. I will even go ahead and say that the Enterprise is probably blind now.
Blind... Yes, blind. Why didn't I think of it before? Thanks, Bones. Then, the ship is still there, it has vanished or was made to vanish. We'll ask the computer.
Kirk moves to Spock's console along with McCoy.
Computer, confirm hypothesis - are the ship's sensors blinded by someone or something?
Negative. Sensors are fully operational and in top condition.
Is the input to the sensors fed by alien devices?
Kirk and McCoy exchange looks.
This is probably what happened to your ship, Joanna. The crew was made to believe that the ship was destroyed.
Well, what do we do now? Destroy these Tekron devices and free the ship?
No, I want the Capernians to think that we bought into their threat. I want more of these devices. Now, that I know that the transporter works, let’s sweep the area to find the ship personnel. Doc, I want the biological signatures from your records. The signatures of the following personnel – Scotty, Spock, Sulu and Chekov. Joanna, you and I have some work to do on Mister Spock’s computer.
Jim, don’t you want Uhura also?
No, Doc, Slotta told me that women are under the most influence and she trusts them the most. Any change in that, and our plan can be detected.
Right-ho, Captain.
Kirk points at a few microtapes. Joanna hands them to Kirk. Kirk inserts one of the microtapes in a slot.
Computer, record sensory output transmitted from the alien devices.
Captain, do you think this will work?
Well, we’ll have to see.
(in a feminine voice)
Kirk removes the microtape and places in another slot.
Computer, relay the recorded sensory output to the Capernian stations receiving this matching the power and frequency. Repeat the broadcast over and over.
Now, to take care of these Tekrons. Give me a foot, will you?
Kirk and Joanna stamp on the Tekrons to destroy them.
Ship status – normal and now, we see the Radiant. Joanna, we did it!
McCoy, feed the biological signatures to the computer. I'll lower the screens and search for the crew.
As soon as the Enterprise lowers the screens, the Radiant fires photon torpedoes and phasor shots at the Enterprise. The Enterprise status changes to red alert status. The sirens and red alert lights come alive inside the bridge.
Jim, what the devil is happening?
The ghost ship, Radiant, just fired at us.
Who is running the Radiant now?
Captain Kirk and you too, Dr. McCoy. Don’t move or I’ll send you both to oblivion.
Joanna points a phasor at both of them.
Kirk, you are good, very good, I’ll give you that. You can’t destroy something that I have taken so long to build. The Radiant just took out your phasor power and warp drives. This time, your ship is going down for real.
Jim, the phasor setting. It is set to kill.