COEXIST - Actionable Stories for Sustainable Change - X - eXternal threat
What is the role of monsters in movies or stories?
Monsters or villainous characters have a responsibility in a story. They are there to apply pressure on the main character/protagonist, so that the heroes rethink their decision on “getting out” of their comfort zone.
Marlin, Nemo’s dad, gets out of his anemone, but now, he has to face 3 sharks (or “4800 teeth” as a character in the movie later puts it).
Rose (in Titanic) has the iceberg episode to deal with.
Neo (in The Matrix) is arrested, intimidated and bugged after he decides to get out of the dream world.
In the COEXIST method of storywriting, so far, you have chosen your hero, issue (in the step C) and you wrote a one-liner of your story (in the step O). You then kick-started the hero’s journey by making them “get out” of their normal course of life (in the step E).
In this step, X, you will learn how to create pressure on the hero at a juncture when they have taken a decision to “get out”.