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TRIZ Case Studies

The mood was tense. Will they show up or not show up? What if nobody showed up? All the advance we paid the hotel guy would go down the drain.

Prakash looked at me. He had forgotten that we were in the middle of a lovely park in Bangalore. Looked like he even forgot about the fact that I was supposed to be baby sitting my 2.5 year old.

I felt my pulse race as my mind accessed a folder called “Tense jaw dropping moments”. The folder was locked up with a password. I pried the folder open. The first few lines in my mental folder was exactly the same thing - “What if no one showed up?”

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How did I plan my year to achieve my set goals?

Climb all you can

Miniature view of Shanghai City - My metaphor for planning your goal

Flat tyre and Goals

My simple goal was to get back home from my vacation at Tarkarli on the Western Coast of India. I filled up my old faithful steed and meandered through the Western Ghats successfully. Although, I love the mountains, I am not very fond of driving on the serpentine, undivided roads. Another 20 kms for my Mooshika (my steed mentioned earlier has a name, that of a mouse) and me to hit the divided 6-lane motorway.

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How I Set My Goals for 2017

Climb all you can

A speeding boat whirred in the Arabian Sea in full tilt. The horizon showed off four or five desolate islands right at the edge of my view from the balcony at a nice cozy resort in Tarkarli, Konkan Beach, Western India.

I wanted to see what happened to the speeding boat. Did it stop or did it continue at the same speed? These questions become important when you are on a holiday doing nothing.

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Karmic Design Thinking - Part 3 - Defining Structure

karmic design thinking

To refresh on stuff - Rethinking Design Thinking and What is Karmic Design Thinking were things that I talked about earlier.

The broad design of this form of design thinking consists of these four stages:

I. People Orientation (or System Orientation)
This is the stage in which we acknowledge the deficiencies in the system and try and find out about what is it that people are going through. Or if it is a device or a service, our job is to figure out what is it that this system is doing.

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Karmic Design Thinking - Part 2 - What is it?

The “Aahaa” moment that design thinking is probably much older than only a few decades. That moment came to me when I traveled to an ancient set of Buddhist caves in India. These caves are located in central India and are at least 2000 years old. Ajanta caves, as they are called, were lost to humanity for about 1000 odd years before a British soldier rediscovered the caves in his hunting expedition. If you are planning on visiting Mumbai or Pune, I would highly recommend visiting these caves and spend a few days admiring these beautiful caves.

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Karmic Design Thinking - Part 1 - Rethinking Design Thinking

Let me stoke your curiosity. I have an important reason to write this series of posts on Karmic Design Thinking. Please promise that you will be patient.

Design is ubiquitous and is all around us. A tree is designed to bear the entire weight of the tree on that one single trunk. Ok, you can really say that, well, design is a conscious process. In my opinion, designs evolve naturally, either by nature or by human intervention. And since we are all part of nature, it is one and the same. Talk about talking in circles.

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How I Re-setup My Blog and Website using Hugo, Github and a Green Screen

My Website and Blog
My Website and Blog and self-hosted are very nice and easy to setup. I helped my wife aladybird setup her travelog website - on a self-hosted installation. However, there is a big problem that I faced when it came to Wordpress installations.

They are CPU hungry.

If you are paying for the hosting then there sure is no problem, since you get unlimited CPU time. However, if you are a cheapy like me, then the free hosting sites scowl at you thrice and throw you out like an uninvited guest. All I did was to devour some of their CPUs by adding a few harmless plugins to my Wordpress installation.

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Gazing into the Crystal Ball using TRIZ technology trends,ball,black,and,white,crystal,light,planet-406f5e2182df35968727c56552e97dc6_h.jpg “courtesy link -,ball,black,and,white,crystal,light,planet-406f5e2182df35968727c56552e97dc6_h.jpg”

3 innovation facilitators - Murali Loganathan, Prakasan Kappoth and Bala Ramadurai discuss about the laws of technology evolution.

This is the link to the original blog post of the podcast. Also check out this link to the Corning Gorilla Glass story -

Listen to the podcast here

Image Courtesy:,ball,black,and,white,crystal,light,planet-406f5e2182df35968727c56552e97dc6_h.jpg

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Dropbox, Sugarsync, SkyDrive, Google Drive - Build a Cloud Nest!!

As I mentioned in my earlier post, I have been looking around for suggestions and tools on syncing google drive and dropbox. SkyDrive offers 25GB, so I thought, why the hassle of maintaining so many of these. The problem statement is that of - How can I have just one copy of my files, but have so many services backing up my files. Right now, all I have is about 5GB of stuff…

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Are students capable of coming out with blockbuster ideas?

The raging debate in our team has been whether students (our team picked out undergraduate engineering students in particular) are capable of generating blockbuster ideas for a thriving business/startup.
Before giving you both sides of the coin, I’ll tell you an anecdote about a large company trying to figure out what makes creative minds creative. This large company was really curious to find out the real mechanism which made the creative minds work. So, they did surveys and profiling to figure out (Education, cultural background, family details and so on) what was really happening in their minds. Zilch! They came out with no concrete patterns or reasons for the creativity in their organization.
Second round was face to face interviews to see if they were missing out something obvious. After a few interviews, they hit upon the key insight that they were looking for - creative guys thought that they were creative and the not-so-creative guys thought that they were not creative. Period! Nothing else! (As a side note, this is what neuro linguistic programming (NLP) is all about :))
With this background in mind, I go back to the original debate of whether students will come out with ideas. Sure, the students who really believe that they are creative will crack any problem given to them. The ones who think "Oh no, this is not my cup of tea to rub shoulders with the likes of Edison", will remain in the sideranks reading success stories of the creative world! I am going to build on this idea and will confidently say that the ones who believe in students, will find them to be intensively creative. While if you choose to believe that the students are not creative will find them to be unimaginative.
I choose to believe in the former and will continue to work with the young’uns to recharge my batteries :)

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