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Dropbox for Nokia - Simplify your Nokia Life!

After several weeks of search for a decent app for Dropbox (storage for the cloud) on my outdated, outclassed, neglected Symbian Nokia E52 smartphone (Yes, fellas, it is a smartphone, even though it doesn’t have Android or iOS on it), I hit upon the right solution. Ok, let me backtrack a bit and describe to you my system of storage and how I want to carry my world with me- Here it is. What I have now is my “smartphone” doubling up as my USB device, since I thought that if I had a reliable Nokia Dropbox app, that would make syncing a breeze.

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She was not his boss

She certainly was not his boss, neither did they have any sort of agreement written between themselves. In fact, this was the first time, they had met. Till that moment, he was a maverick, picking up whatever he wanted from the retail store. It was evident to all who cared to look at his activities, that he was not interested in buying any of the stuff that he picked up. These actions were becoming routine - pick up a few items and leave them on the floor for someone to put back on shelf. The store employees were fine with this. How come she had a problem? How come she wasn’t doing any of this even though there was so many opportunities to do so?

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Custom Designed Workshop

What do budding industrial designers, a professor in industrial design, couple of material scientists and an entrepreneur have in common? A thirst for novelty and the desire to help people. The venue was perfect with movable chairs, a whiteboard, projector, an audio system, just in case, we lost our ability to shout. Ranjan had arranged for flipcharts, markers and motivators. Motivators are little chocolate blocks, which go a long way in crafting excellent design from anyone. Shankar(LinkedIn, Twitter), the lead facilitator, started off with a brief introduction on what innovation is.

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What goes around comes around

“Baaammmm…” was the huge noise that was heard when our car hit a black SX-4 while zigzagging in Chennai traffic. This happened a few years ago near a Chennai suburb called Padi. I was acting consultant to a large car component manufacturer. Alongside with me was a professor of mine who was also consulting with this company. He had invited me to give a talk to a bunch of trainee engineers and senior management.

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3 steps to store and access anything anywhere

Have you gone to a high profile presentation only to discover that your latest version is in your home computer or office desktop?Have you ever wished that you didn’t have to carry your laptop anywhere?

Have you ever wanted to travel totally light, say carrying a pendrive and you lost the device? Have you felt the need for your presentation software in a conference or in a client location?

If your answer is yes to any one of the questions above, you will be able to relate to my experiences.

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Ths r fw f my fvrt smthngs!

Smthngs r gd

I came across this wonderful personal productivity software called smthngs. What struck me as something very exotic is the minimalist design. Black and white and as promised, no manual needed to work with the software.

This software is based on getting things done (GTD) principles. Smthngs has most of the features that other websites like remember the milk (

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3 Steps to Alleviate All Your Worries

I hit upon a key insight when I replied to a mail after a recent community session. The session was on how to attain high productivity in life and work. This is the link I got from Venkat about an article on how one never runs short of time, if one has the purpose figured out. In there was an anecdote from “Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance”.

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